Buckeye Burl Wall Sculpture


This carved wall sculpture is made with an outstanding and large piece of Buckeye Burl. It has everything you are looking for in a Buckeye Burl. The entire spectrum of the appropriate colors as well as multiple voids with bark inclusions.

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This carved wall sculpture is made with an outstanding and large piece of Buckeye Burl. It has everything you are looking for in a Buckeye Burl. The entire spectrum of the appropriate colors as well as multiple voids with bark inclusions.

Buckeye Burl is an unusual species that has a color range from blue-black to golden whites with a nice mixture in between. Buckeye Burl comes from the root wad, 90% of which is underground, of a Buckeye Tree. Buckeye Tree’s grow in the Eastern US and California.

Buckeye Burl is very difficult and expensive wood to mill. Due to the underground nature of the burl there are several obstacles that have to be overcome when milling, such as rocks, sand, dirt and rattlesnakes that live in the voids.

This piece, as with all my Burl carvings, is sanded to 1000 grit. Making it extremely smooth and lustrous.

The piece was finished with several coats wipe on poly and then hand buffed to the perfect sheen.

The piece measures 30” wide and is 23” tall.